f Scientific Library |
DEC 26 1928
All pages missing from this volume are those of Advertisements only, and a
specimen of each advertisement published in the volume will be found in the issues
0f C-/
y ' ' • I ■ ' '
The Leading Trade Journal of the World
Printing and Allied Industries.
volume XXVIII.
October, 1901, to March, 1902.
The Inland Printer Company, Publishers.
FROM OCTOBER, 1901, TO M ARN^J1©0|2.ofFV
Garrett, William M . 228
Iorio, Adrian J . 573
Leach, John S . 247
Millikan, John . 408
Tanner, W. Charles . 74
Todd, F. Dundas . 257
Album binding . 755
Amateur bookbinding . 561
Amateur edge gilding . 378
Apprentice system and technical training 926
Art bookmaking in Philadelphia . 221
Backing of jobwork . 250
Binding odd leaves . 54
Box lining . 755
Boxmaking . 755
Byron Weston Company book, A . 378
Cloth joints . 560
Curious items of bookbinding . 873
Cutting cloth . 378
Glue for casemaking . 53
Gluing brass or glass . 755
Gold tooling . 577
Great London sale, A . 927
Hand sewing . 250
Headbands on blank books . 250
Ink for ruling machines . 727
Inserting and binding of plates . 379
Lettering individual names in gold on
pocketbooks . 551
Making flexible covers . 378
Making headbands . 378
Making silk cases . 53
Modern book-covers . 207
Modern book finishing . . 560
Notes on practical bookbinding. .52, 250,
378, 560, 755, 926 Old style vdrsus modern edition binding. 560
Patents . 54, 251, 379, 561, 927
Perforating . 560
Rare books in Philadelphia . 926
Red and gold edges on books . 250
Separating coated book-paper . 755
Sheet pointing . 251
Squaring up plates . 378
Strapping . 250
Strength of leather impaired by stretch¬ ing . 926
Substitute for lacing-in . 250
Substitute for steam rollers or clothes
wringer in casemaking . 52
To attach brass stamps to embossing
presses . 535
Trouble with aluminum . 926
Use of supers on job bindings, The . 561
Wants to know piece-work scales . 560
Colored Inserts:
German village, A . 530
Lovers still . 683
Model,. The . 370
Old door, The . 898
Old mill at Grenoble, France . 362
Still life . 523
Summer day, A . 193
Woman or the vase, The . 355
Composing-room :
Home-made lead case, A (correspon¬ dence) . . . 708
New rule case, A . 557
Notes on job composition .. 83, 231, 385,
552, 741, 881
Composing-room — Continued. page
Review of specimens received. . 109, 264,
429, 592, 770, 939
Typo-surgical operation, A . 872
Are incomplete copies of engravings in¬ fringements . 880
Attempts to avoid infringement . 55
Copyright on inserts and illustrations. ... 55
Does copyright remain valid when name
is changed in forms . 540
Does the copyright of a book protect the
title . 879
False notice of copyright . 401
Forfeiture of incomplete work for viola¬ tion of copyright . 540
General comment . 401
Historical . 401
How much may be copied from copy¬ righted maps . 737
How shall the word “ proprietor ” be
construed . 541
Informer contributes to the law, An. . . . 212
International copyright act, The . 213
Is the plan of conveying information
copyrightable . 881
Jury values literary property, A . 401
Literary or artistic merit . 56
Notes and queries on the laws of copy¬ right . 55, 212, 401, 540, 737, 879
Special announcement . 879
Unauthorized use of protected property. 739 Correspondence :
Another way of measuring muslin for
signs . 708
Blank pages with memo, calendar pads. . 707
Cutting white cloth for signs . 395
Decisions on second-class matter . 875
Dirt — the printer’s enemy . 210
Educating the employing printer . 876
Examples of engraving wanted . 395
Furniture — its use and abuse . 395
Great national publishing house. The. . . . 396 Helpfulness of The Inland Printer. . . . 707 Holiday celebration of the Trenton
Times . 707
Home-made lead case, A . 708
Notes from Scotland . 537
Opportunities for printers in the Philip¬ pines . 209
Philippine printing-office, A . 68
Point system in England, The . 875
Printer’s salesman, The . 67
Printing-office bellows versus the bicycle
pump, The . 707
Printing on palm-leaf fans . 537
Printing trade in Germany . 211
Question for the typefounders, A . 395
Relative cost of setting various sized type 69
Suggestion for labor-saving rules, A . 67
Visit to the Printers’ Home, A . 68
Case and the pen, The . 40
Cooperation in the printing trade . 870
Danger to American industrial suprem¬ acy, The . 693
Defects in modern printing . 40
Delay on the December number, The. . . . 530
Dividend-paying type . 365
Editorial notes.... 39, 199, 365, 529, 691, 869
Foremen’s perquisites . 872
Fresh-air colony for printers, A . 41
Health retreat for printers, A . 201
Editorial — Continued. page
Invitation of the German Booktrade As¬ sociation . 692
Leading trade journal of the world in
the printing industry, The . 366
Liability for the property of customers.. 200
Local printers’ exhibits . 870
Making of workmen, The . 693
Melbourne Printers’ Overseers’ Associa¬ tion, Victoria, Australia . 42
Moral responsibility of printers . 200
New department, A . 200
Postal laws and regulations, The . 869
Preparation of copy for advertisements. . 692
Printing trade in Germany, The . 366
Reform in second-class mailing privileges 693
Revising machine-set matter . 531
Revision of the bankruptcy laws . 203
Shepard, Mr. Henry O., for Public
Printer . 200
Suggestions for improving The Inland
Printer .
United Typothetae of America, The.. Vitalizing the United Typotheta: of
America . 202
What a printers’ salesman should do and
how he should do it . 692
White ink versus white foil . 531
Electrotyping and stereotyping:
Best molding composition. The . 735
Casting stereotypes .
Cause of blisters .
Cause of pinholes .
Clay stereotyping .
. 402
. 403
. 561
. 561
Cleaning metal . 246
Cost of electrotyping, The . 736
Electrotyping half-tones . 735
Employing electrotypers convene at Buf¬ falo . 106
Has trouble in stereotyping . 403
Has trouble with his “mats.” . 735
Has trouble with his wax . 246
Honeycombed plates . 245
Mixing metals . 561
Notes and queries on electrotyping and
stereotyping . 65, 245, 402, 561, 735
Paste recipes . 735
Patents . 247
Powdered marble dust . 735
Prices for electrotyping . 246
Reasons why steel, brass and sundry
other metals can not be used . 65
Saving half-tones . 245
Stereotyping chalk plates . 194
To make a deep matrix . 245
To preserve original half-tones . 402, 562
To prevent shrinks . 246
Type shortened by stereotyping . 403
Engraving :
Another enamel process for zinc . 893
Another notable camera . 892
Answers to a few correspondents . 543
Burning-in enamel . 413
Care of the silver bath . 703
Chalk plate engraving . 542
Cole, Timothy, engraver . 243
Color blocks in the December magazines 545
Credit to engravers . 242
Dry enamel process, A . 893
Enamel on zinc . 543
English etching tubs . 704
Engraving a chalk plate . 42
Etching aluminum . 51
Filters and inks for three-color work. . . . 893 First portrait by photography, The . 703
Engraving — Continued. page
Gradation in a half-tone negative . 893
Grain half-tone screens . 414
Grain or pebbled finish on three-color in¬ serts . 892
Half-tone in Dawson . 241
Half-tones on stone . 545
Hint for tri-color workers, A . 545
Is photography art . 52
Liability for photographing bank notes.. 414
Measuring half-tones . 542
Modeled designs in gelatin relief . 892
Multi-carbon arc lamps . 704
National Association of Photoengravers
hold fifth annual convention . 107
Negative instead of a positive image on
metal, A . 545
New diaphragm system for half-tones,
The . 545
New lens for three-color work, A . 51
Notable camera, A . 543
Notes and queries on process engraving.
50, 241, 412, 542, 703, 892
Novel enamel method, A . 414
Patents . 52, 244
Patents for printing on aluminum . 542
Peculiarities of perchlorid of iron . 50
Photoengravers’ outing, A . 243
Printer and the platemaker, The . 687
Process Year Book for 1901, The . 704
Processwork in Russia . 4J3
Rapid photoengraving . 241
Reducing designs to pica measurements. 50
Register in three-color negatives . 414
Substitute for hydrosulphuret of am¬ monia, A . 893
Three-color half-tone process work . 429
To distinguish copper from steelplate
impressions . 543
To electrotype chalk plates . 4' 2
To keep acid tubs from leaking . 414
To keep bleached silver prints from turn¬ ing yellow . 7°3
To keep the enamel from lifting . 412
To retouch greasy photographs . 242
Value of illustrations, The . 545
Wharflitho process . 242
Wonderful process, A . 704
Wood engraving and process . 242
Writers on processwork . 51
Accident on the way to the fire, An . 899
Action . 543
After bait . 259
Alton limited, The . 58 1
Among the birches . 687
Art and photography . 34
Artistic office, An . 4°3
Artistic window display, An . 80
Barry . 737
Bath, The . 54°
Best of friends, The . 266
Black Water Falls . 868
Blue jeans . 79
Bridge at Kilbourn City . . . 204
Buff Cochins . 89
Capitol, Albany, New York . 258
Cartoon by R. C. Bowman . 720
Carved ivory cover . 250
Champion Coated Paper Company’s mill
as it appeared before the fire . 761
Champion Coated Paper Company’s mill
as it appeared after the fire . 762, 763
Chestnuts . 394
Chicago Daily Nezus puzzle pictures. 74, 75, 76
Chilcote rule case, The . 557
Chums . 56
Circle of antelope priests . 583
“ Columbia the Gem of the Ocean ” . 225
Contemplation . 543
Corn is king . 867
Counting the day’s receipts . 77
Country road, A . 927
Daisies of the field . 195
Dance program cover . 730
Illustrations — Continued. page
Declaring a dividend . 379
Decorative designs by Will H. Ransom. 431
Designs by Adrian J. Iorio . 573
Designs submitted in the Pilgrim Press
letter-head contest . 740
Devil is it, The . 527
Devil’s Elbow . 395
Dominoes . 383
Don’t tell . 386
Drawing by Don C. Wilson . 229
Early morning haul, An . 51
Elk . 738
Employes of the E. C. McCullough
printing-office in Manila . 69
Employes of the printing-office ot the
Sherwin-Williams Company . 1 . 268
Erma . 409
Facsimile of Columbia Spy . 418
Falls, Mill Creek . 860
Falls of Goudy’s Creek . 938
Fast Mail, The . 727
Favorite playground, The . 221
Feeding the chickens . 729
Filipino carrier . 210
Filipino way of carrying printed matter. 209
Fishermaiden, The . 196
Forty-sixth annual meeting of the Ameri¬ can Association of General Passenger
and Ticket Agents . 260
“ Full back ” and “ Coach ” . 535
Fun at the fishery . 59
Girl I left behind me, The . 194
Good night, papa . 562
Gossip at the well . 528
Group at outing of employes of Carl
Hentschel, London, England . 243
Group of salesmen of the Inland Type
Foundry . 912
Gypsy maiden . 382
He don’t like his pants . 894
Hide and seek . 863
High in the heavens fair Luna swings
her light . 524
Hornet’s Nest, Dells of the Wisconsin.. 216
Horseless carriage, The . 65
Hot weather idyl, A . 87
I should smile . 55
Illustrations from " J ingleman Jack ” . 262, 263
In bed with the grip . 566
In disgrace . 685
In the barnyard . 71
In the Maine woods . 544
In the wilderness . 38
In the wooded pasture . 360
Ink Stand and Sugar Bowl . 205
Inland Type Foundry’s new home, The.
906, 907, 909, 910, 91 1
Interchangeable suggestion, An . 384
Is there a heaven for pumpkinheads. . . . 702
It goes to the spot . 242
Just arrived from Kansas . 86
Just out . 392
Karl . 369
Launch of the United States battleship
“ Missouri ” . 905
Lesbia . v . 356
Letter to Santa, A . 378
Liberty Bell, The . 922
Look pleasant, please . 246
Looking for mother . 380
McKinley . 724
Marjorie in disguise . 207
Meah Pirn illustrating the expression
“About a foot out” . 415
Meah Pirn illustrating the expression
“ Right in it ” . 414
Men in charge of exhibits, Graphic Arts
Workshop, Pan-American Exposition 265
Mischief . 883
Modeled cover-designs, Pauling . 410, 41 1
Model’s criticism, The . 402
Monarch of the plains . 43
Monoline machine, The.' . 902
Moonshiner’s daughter, The . 208
Moose . 739
Morning spin, A . 585
Illustrations — Continued. page
Natives . 541
Navajo mother and children . 583
Never too late to mend . 218
New building for the Government Print¬ ing-office . 396
New South Wales Country Press Asso¬ ciation . 890
New Year’s souvenir . 751
New York Central station, Albany, New
York . 258
Newspaper cartoon, A . 888
Newspaper page by Fred Richardson. ... 73
Niagara in type . 433
No one can harm me . 904
Now, children, look pleasant . 940
Now, sit still for your picture . 246
Oklahoma cloud, An . 865
Old convent buildings are used for
printing-offices. The . 209
Old, old story, The . 236
Old-timer, An . 712
One of the braves . 708
Over the hill to the poorhouse . 686
Percy and puss . 213
Playing horse . 212
Playmates . 942
Pluto . , . 403
Benedict, George H . 106
Berry, Frank B . 267
Bragdon, J. C . 107
Butler, Miss Mary . 577
Calvert, Percy . 551
Clark, F. H . 106
Cole, Timothy . 243
Cross, George W . - . 425
Cushing, J. Stearns . 103
Davis, Robert . 715
De Vinne, Theodore Low . 766
Donnelley, Thomas E . 103
Draper, John William . 703
Draper, Miss Dolly . 704
Elliott, James T . 576
Fleming, Atwell . 103
Forquer, S. A . 551
Freegard, ttdwin . 103
French, W. H . 764
Garrett, William M . 228
Greene, Stephen . 417
Harb, B. F . 551
Harlow, Lois Reeves . 878
Henning, B. 0 . 425
Hjggins, Martin P . 765
Hill, Lewis P . 576
Huff, H. A . 55i
Iorio, Adrian J . 573
Johnson, Lawrence . 913
Kenyon, P. C . 103
Kibbee, Howard S . 397
Lang, Julius C. F . 747
Lee, Wilson H . 766
Leech, John S . 247
Little, Hon. J. J . 766
Losee, Miss Susan . 577
McKinley, President . 33
Miller, Edward . 584
Millikan, John . 408
Parker, Samuel K . 576
Paulding, Jojtn . 410
Pears, Harry P . 102
Reton, John T . 417
Rychen, Elisha F . 71 1
Shepard, Henry Olendorf . 365
Thrift, T. Burr . 373
Todd, F. Dundas . 257
Tracy, Fred K . 767
Van Vliet, Morris . 714
Waddey, Everett . 103
Wallace, John W . 722
Willoughby, L. F . 760
Wilson, B. W., Jr . 107
Wolfram, C. J . I07
Young, John . ' . 71 4
Poster for the Mascoutah Kennel dog
show . 46
Posters by George Ford Morris . 48
Illustrations — Continued. page
Pressroom of the Butterick Publishing
Company . 428
Prince Golden . 526
Printing exhibit of the Kansas City Ty-
pothetae . 896
Prize designs in ad. -setting contest No. 10
548, 549, 550
Proprietors of the Inland Type Foundry 908
Queen of the pumpkinheads. The . 706
Realization . 543
Red man’s soliloquy, The . 44
Reflections on the Elknorn . 880
Reminiscences . 54
Rocky Broad River . 866
St. Louis pet, A . 580
Sac-a-ja-we-a . 66
Shade’s a good thing . 876
Sleep . 874
Some European snap-shots . 230
Son of the revolution, A . 359
Stamped leather binding . 357
Stockman, The . 701
Street in Venice . 690
Strenuous life, The . 37
Student, The . 861
Studio of Louis Braunhold, The . 726
Study of the author of “ Ben ITur ” . . . . 534 Suggestions for menu and banquet print¬ ing . 361
Sunday afternoon . 390
Supper time . 358
Sweethearts . 206
Swimming pool, A . 57
Talking to papa . 736
Tar-box Springs . 374
That's a fine canary . 914
They’re off . 684
Three of Albany’s prominent buildings. 258
Three ships . 402
Title-page by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. . . 263
Tornado, The . 705
Touching story, A . 537
Umbrella Rock . 399
Uncle Jimmie . 391
Unique sign of the Lafayette (Ala.) Sun 547
Up against it . 387
View near Lone Rock . 400
View of the Armour packing plant . 416
Views at Nome, Alaska . 220
Views on the Santa Fe . 582
Village blacksmith, The . 198
Waiting . 862
Waiting for a cold bottle . 242
Watering the horses . 367
Whaleback steamship “ Christopher Co¬ lumbus,” The . 60
When grapes are ripe . 36
Where apple cider is cheap . 91
Willing subject, A . 903
Work of the composition classes, Art In¬ stitute, Chicago . 563, 564, 565
Lithography :
About photolithography . 566
Acid proportion and the various qualities
of litho stone . 915
Advantages of photoalgraphy . 745
Air brush printing (painting) machine,
The . 71
Aluminum lithography for maps . 70
Anastatic transfers . 745
Art department of the coming Louisiana
Purchase Exposition . 259
Book-plates . 259
Burn etching . 72
Can the metal engraving machine be used
for cutting on stone . 70
Celluloid transfer paper . 746
Commercialism and art . 71
Consistency of ink . 72
Cracking of the Ben Day films . . . 259
Crayon cuttings for making transfer ink. 915 Demand in Cuba for lithographic supplies 566 Education of a litho artist . 567
Lithography — Continued. page
effect of the direction of light upon the
nerves of the eye while engraving.. 915
Etching by the galvanic method . 41 1
Gigantography . 746
Graining the zinc plate for lithographic
crayon work . 259
Graphic exhibition of the Vienna Society
of Photographers . 746
Gum solutions . 410
How practical color plates are made for
the Judge weekly . 567
How some relief design plates are made. 41 1 Imitation of wood textures by water-
color . 71
Increase in the demand for litho stone. . 746 Is there a chance for a woman in the
litho artroom . 259
Kind of recruits that are wanted in litho
establishments. The . 567
Litho engravers’ and designers’ employ¬ ment bureau . 259
Litho engravers’ steel points of uniform
temper . 745
Litho etch ground in cakes . 410
Litho progress in Tokio, Japan . 915
Litho stone . 72
Litho trade outlook for 1902 . 915
Lithographic cylinder hand press, A.... 565 Lithography and the Penrose Year Book. 916 Measuring or gauging the strength of
acid solution for etching litho stone. 41 1 New printing-press from England, A... 565 Notes and queries on lithography .... 70,
259, 410, 565, 745, 915 Number of persons employed at the Government printing department at
Washington . 915
Objects of the “base tint,” The . 261
Offsets on zinc . 566
Organic films, or new ideas for Ben Day
films . 410
Patents . 72, 411
Photography in Japan...., . 565
Practical pantograph for litho engraving. 745 Price of poster printing in New York... 915 Principles underlying the six-color press. 915 Printing white ink from lead or zinc
forms . 259
Progress of the Litho Engravers’ and
Designers’ League of America . 70
Rapid-acting light-sensitive asphaltum . . . 261
Regarding anastatic transferring . 410
Reprinting over finished chromo work. . . 70
Scarcity of good litho engravers and let¬ ter designers . 70
Some particulars about lithography and
its cost . 567
Some remarkable specimens of lithog¬ raphy . 746
Specimen books of lettering . 745
Superiority of American industrial meth¬ ods . 566
To keep gum fresh . 72
To reduce the strength of half-tone tints
on litho-process work . 565
Transmission of pictures by electricity. . . 565 United States Lithographic Stone Com¬ pany . 565
Wash to prevent chemical changes affect¬ ing light colors in printing from zinc-
or electro plates . 41 1
What wages should a manager of a small
litho establishment receive . 916
Which colors are most desirable for com¬ bination color printing . 916
Working on highly polished zinc plates
with litho touche . 410
Machine composition :
Adjustment of old-style clutch . 398
Back mold wiper, A . 730
Beginner’s average speed, A . 568
Cause of transpositions, The . 58
Cost of running a machine . 900
Counting the cost . 58
Machine composition — Continued. page
Deaf mutes and the Linotype . 59
Defective matrix combination . 224
Distributor causing trouble . 58
Expiring Linotype patents . 902
Hair-lines . . . 399
Hollow slugs . 900
Important decision, An . 223
Improper adjustment of clutch . 568
Junior Linotype, A . 570
Legible copy is essential . 569
Machinist and the operator, The.... 35,
196, 357, 526, 685, 866
Magazine adjustment . 400
Many “ good things ” went wrong . 223
Monoline, The . 60
Notes and queries on machine composi¬ tion . 58, 222, 398, 568, 728, 900
Novel cause of poor slugs, A . 59
Our list of available employes . 222
Overlooked adjustment, An . 224
Patents . 61, 400, 570, 730, 902
Remarkable performance, A . 223
Smooth-bottomed slugs . 729
Some new queries . 400
Some practical expedients and suggestions 729
Some queries from the far West . 901
Something new . 223
Spacebands breaking . 399
Swift and slow Linotype operators . 683
The “ i ” that slid in channel “ o ” . 222
Thinks the machine is not made right. . . 902
Trimming-knife adjustment . 223
Two-letter casting apparatus . 568
Wanted: A chance to learn . 901
What is he here for . 569
What one printer did . 223
Where oil is needed . 728
About booklet printing . 377
Advertising for printers. .90, 237, 404,
588, 716, 917
Ahrimans of the printing-press . 225
Alton Limited, The . 581
American annuals. The . 355
Among the Mokis and Navajos . 583
Animal in poster design, The . 47
Annual dinner of Philadelphia’s Franklin
Club . 946
Any color, so it is different . 700
Appointment of Frank B. Berry . 267
Argentine newspapers . 418
Art of taking leave, The . 535
Awards at the Pan-American Exposition. 261 Awards in the Graphic Arts Department,
Pan-American Exposition . 426
Books and periodicals . 100, 262, 433,
594, 756, 928
Business notices . 112, 269, 435, 594,
773, 948
Canadian copyright . 947
Canine worker, A . 207
Champion Coated Paper Company’s fire. 761
Chicago Trade Press Association . 921
Circus man’s biography, The . 269
Concerning young writers . 384
Consider the customer . 33
Correct quotation . 433
Creeds and trades . 772
Cut was too low . 245
Delineator pressroom, The . 429
Depend on yourself . 551
Die-cutting on a job press . 375
Do readers read . 887
Early American book-plates . 769
Embedding scrim in paper . 720
Enough printers in the West . 214
Enterprising farm paper, An . 408
Even brevity has a limit . 54
Every deer its own photographer . 898
Exposition at Lille, France . 713
Faked picture, A . 72
Forty-sixth annual meeting of American Association of General Passenger
and Ticket Agents . 261
Franklin celebrations . 764
Handy case for filing samples of paper. 898.
Miscellaneous — Continued. page
Home for newspaper men . 93
Importance of Chicago’s postal service.. 899
Indexing trade notes . 244
Indian Territory, magazine, An . 769
International printers’ specimen exchange,
An . 7°9
January number out of print . 757
Just out . 393
Kibbee, Howard S . 397
Labor and capital confer . 748
“ Lack-o’-system ” printer. The . 193
Lessons in illustrating. 214, 376, 558, 758, 941
Literary agent, The . 394
Literary underwriting . 772
Logical organization . 206
Lubrication of printing machinery . 532
Mail plate, The . 4°2
Mark Twain and the compositor . 947
Meaning of “ manuscript,” The . 241
Menu and banquet printing . 359
Methods of advertising writers, The. . . . 892
Naive mark of confidence, A . 251
New use for paper . 573
Newspaper gossip and comment. .61, 217,
370, 546, 696, 887 Newspapers at the St. Louis Exposition. 759
Not chewed deep enough . 748
Office of Public Printer, The . 213
Old-time treasury note, An . 715
Our cover-design . 197
Pan-American outing, A . 249
Patents of interest to printers. . 1 1 1, 251,
415, 581, 757, 914
Peaceful greeting from Pretoria . 745
Perspective in printing . 694
Philippine public printing . 912
Phonetic spelling . 7I3
Photographing cloud-land . 705
Portrait work of Pirie MacDonald . 388
Powdered talc as a wood lubricant . 50
Press Club of Chicago, The . 562
Printer and the ink man, The . 523
Printer’s college degrees, A . 64
Printers wanted in the West . 54
Printing in Alaska . 221
Profits in rare books . 89
Rise and fall of the Biggsville Eagle, The 859
Runs to lines . 86
Securing paid-in-advance subscriptions. . 538
Slightly ambiguous . 562
Some European snap-shots . 231
Souvenir postal cards . 542
Souvenir stamps . 374
Strike of the commercial artists in Chi¬ cago . 57°
Study of composition at the Art Institute
of Chicago . 565
Superintendent of public printing for the
Philippines, The . 247
Testimonial dinner to Stephen Greene. . . 417 Tornado, The — a photographic illusion. 705
Tough manuscript . 224
Trade notes . 108, 267, 425, 587, 760, 947
Tribute to the printer dead, A . 48
Trusts and their methods . 761
Type cover contest . 244
Unique calendar illustrations . 701
Unique way of advertising a city . 257
United Typothetae convention at Buffalo,
The . 102
Use of the word “lady,” The . 730
Value of photography to the trade-paper
publisher . 903
Veteran employes of the New York Even¬ ing Post . 714
Watermarking hand-made paper . 904
Way to wealth, The — some maxims of
Poor Richard . 768
Weighty bible, A . 764
Wesel’s, F., new Chicago branch . 425
What a daub of ink did . 369
What should a book-plate be . 736
Work of John Paulding, The . 410
Work of Don C. Wilson . 229
Worry as a success killer . 212
Yellow journalism . 88
Miscellaneous — Continued. page
Yellow journals and the young . 535
Yule log, The . , . 408
Brown, L. L . hi
Cooper, Edward . in
Frew, John . in
Lang, Julius C. F . 747
McKinley, President . 101
Searcy, D. J . in
Fish story, A . 73
From “Omar” . 570
Men should advertise . 231
Power of the press, The . 415
Red man’s soliloquy, The . 44
Postal Information:
Attached photogravure plates . 754
Changing the make-up of a paper . 375
Definition of second-class publications. . . 81
Idiosyncrasies of the postal laws and reg¬ ulations applying to second-class mat¬ ter . 943
Information for publishers . 81
Inserts of different kinds for same firm
in one issue . 753
Mailing calendars . 753
Mailing newspapers at pound rates . 268
National Publisher’s Bureau . 375
New ruling on second-class mailing priv¬ ileges, The . 268
New rulings on second-class matter, The 375
One-cent postage . 81
Paid-in-advance subscriptions . 754
Pamphlet concerning second-class mail
matter . 753
Pan-American stamps . 375
Postal information for printers ana the
public . 79, 268, 375, 753
Question of premiums, The . 375
Reform in second-class mailing privileges 725
Returns from news-dealers . 268
Rights of news-agents . 79
Subscription price and list requisite for
second-class publications . 81
Supplements in foreign publications.... 375
Uniformity in second-class rulings . 753
Use of premiums, The . 375
Writing on third and fourth class matter 753 Pressroom:
About a calendar that did not reach us. 921
About how long gold prints should dry
before embossing over same . 76
About methods of make-ready . 712
About printing on butter parchment, etc. 391 Asks our criticism on a piece of printing 710
Badly-slurred work . 923
Bouquets . 923
Department responsibility . 389
Discoloration of red ink . 389
Electricity remedy wanted . 577
Few queries that send us to a back seat. . 71 1 Friendly challenge, A — rapid hand-feed¬ ing . 711
Further information regarding slurring and bumping on a secondhand Dis¬ patch press . 78
Hectograph composition . 577
His first experience with vignetted edges 577
Holiday courtesies acknowledged . 710
How to get relief from electricity in
paper . 923
How to print on celluloid . 76
In a quandary about cause of defective
printing . 578
Information regarding two questions. . . . 921 Is a printing-press right for embossing. 922
Is his cylinder properly adjusted . 77
Junior Journalist , The . 921
New Zealand’s pressman's protestation, A 579
Opinion on presswork . 389
Our opinion on a copying-ink job . 578
Patents . 79. 393. 580, 713, 924
Pressroom — Continued. page
Pressroom queries and answers.. 76, 247,
389, 577. 7io, 921
" Presswork ” . 922
Printing and embossing at one impres¬ sion . 391
Printing on blotting-paper and black-
ground paper . 71 1
Printing on mica-finish paper . 389
Printing on strongly depressed water¬ marked paper . 248
Printing on waxed paper . 76
Quick-drying solution wanted for half¬ tone work on coated paper . 389
Regarding cylinder press feeding . 389
Review of a souvenir . 578
Rollers giving much trouble in summer. . 78
Rule does not print as it should . 579
Rules slurring on a platen press . 76
Trouble by offsetting . 922
Trouble with a new two-revolution press. 924 Specimens of work sent for criticism... 710
To print on palm-leaf fans . 77
Transformation of color . 392
Tympan and ink for bond papers . 249
Wants a red ink that will hold on butter
wrappers . 710
Wants a remedy for dirty type . 578
Wants an opinion on his first overlay.. 578 Wants our opinion on make-ready of an
illustration . 391
Wants to know a secret . 923
Wants to know how to keep colors sepa¬ rate . 923
Wants to know how to prevent offset on
a two-roller press . 78
Wants to know how to produce typewrit¬ ing effects . 922
Wants to know how to take printing off
paper . 922
What a pressman learned by adopting a
hearsay . 392
Why some kinds of coated paper pull off
in printing . 579
Working vignetted cuts . 248.
Yes, you must be an amateur printer... 712 Printers’ Accounting and Printers’ Profits:
All signs fail in dry weather . 879
As to the price-cutter . 877
Combined bill blank and copy sheet . 752
Cost of printing, The . 878
Estimates . 749
Few words about this department, A. . . 749
Good New Year’s resolutions . 752
Master Printers and Allied Trades Asso¬ ciation of Philadelphia, The . 75°
Mr. Blanchard’s system of finding